News 29.4.2019
4min read


“Laskavo prosymo do Chornobylia” means “Welcome to Chernobyl”. Chernobyl has become one of the most popular examples of the phenomenon known as dark tourism. There isn’t a specific date when visiting Chernobyl is not worth it. Whether you are planning your trip in cold and calm winter, peaceful spring, hot summer or rainy autumn, there is always something magical about the Zone itself.

The best time to visit Chernobyl

Most people would recommend visiting Chernobyl in the spring or summer months, when temperatures are good and the area is in full bloom. I actually suggest going in the winter for an even more eerie experience.

Why spring?

In spring nature is slowly waking up and the whole Zone is blooming into one gigantic and beautiful nature park for you to explore. The trees are turning green and the leaves are starting to grow, slowly overlaying the scenery of abandoned town and villages. The weather in the months of April and May are cold yet bearable. This is a great time to enjoy the best of both receding winter season, and oncoming summer season. The wildlife is waking up from long winter sleep. It’s a better chance to feed the giant catfish or meet the Przewalski wild horses or the legendary Simon – the fox. Spring is the start of the touristic season, so be ready

Why summer?

Summer’s the best, right? The weather is beautiful, perfect time to get out of the city and relax. So how about a relaxing walk in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone? During the hottest months the zone itself looks like a giant jungle, everything is overgrown by trees and bushes. During this time you can merely see that you are standing on the ex main square of the Pripyat city centre with huge buildings around you. Fascinating how nature took everything back. People love to travel to Chernobyl and explore Pripyat’s surroundings in summer. Also, there is one big benefit – the longest days, so you can actually spend more time in the zone than in winter time.

Why autumn?

This is the right time for those who love to enjoy this post-apocalyptic themed wonderland. Especially during late October and early November, the weather is not that bad, the leaves are slowly falling down and Pripyat is looking very sad and lonely. These conditions give rise to feelings of sadness, highlighting the disaster that has happened in this area, and are – by the way – perfect conditions for all the photographers and artists that are looking for great sceneries.

Why winter?

During the winter, the whole Chernobyl Exclusion Zone covers itself into a blanket of snow. The whole area is quiet and peaceful, everything covered in white and especially Pripyat looks like it was never left alone. When you’re going out of the bus, walking the pathway, enjoying sunny but cold day, everything looks like the typical Sunday’s morning during USSR times, when people are spending their morning by TV, preparing breakfast or slowly waking up with no rush. We love the Zone during winter. It reminds us our childhood, when we were playing outside on the empty city streets. You hear the snow cracking under your feet, feel the sun that warms you and even the level of radiation, which is emitted throughout the year in safe amount, even lower because of the layer of snow.


We’re still not sure which part of the year is the best one, as we love every each one of them. Winter, spring, summer or autumn, all of them can offer you different kind of experience during your tour. So pack your things, take your camera, call friends and come, enjoy this unique adventure in every season!



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