News 11.12.2018
4min read

The most expensive Chernobyl tour? Glad, you are not my mom…

My mom was always telling me: We are not so rich to buy cheap things. It took me a while to understand it…especially after I am seeing her buying stuff when its on sale . LOL. Few years ago somebody told me that we have the most expensive Chernobyl tours out there. I replied with a smile: “And I am so proud of it”. Let me explain.

1. FULL means FULL

from the first to the very last moment with us, you really do not need to take care of anything! When you are on holiday, on an expedition, the last thing you want to take care of is food or hotel. You might argue – we will bring our own food and can sleep in tents. Well, some of us are also backpackers, however, to cherish something to the fullest, have a trip of a lifetime, then running around with lunchmeat and brushing teeth in a river nearby is not what is should be about. BTW you can not camp in the Chernobyl zone!


2. SAFETY first

Sound obvious. But making your Chernobyl tour safe is not trivial. We take take care by providing Geiger-Muller counters, respirators (for possible radioactive dust or fume), dosimetric controls at least twice a day. We let the food products be brought to your table from outside of the zone and have the water for drinking only from bottles.



Like comfy sofa? Nooo Details, such as enough leg space in the van, AC or WiFi, are the basics. Chernobyl zone is a very unpredictable place – conditions, measurements and procedures can change rapidly, even within few hours. To ensure your time spent with us will be valuable, fully focused and efficient, we take care of your comfort. Is it raining? No problem – our umbrellas or raincoats are ready for you at the bus. Feeling cold? No problem, in winter we serve a hot tea directly in the bus! And much much more….



The greatest guarantee of your safety is the guide. We cherrypick and train our guides on first aid, radiation safety and of course history, with a pinch of conspiracies 😉 They know the zone and hotspots by heart. Pripyat and Chernobyl are very sad and abandoned places…until a professional guide fills them up with stories, facts, myths and even conspiracy stories.



calling us day before your tour that you lost your passport? Looking for a birthday cake for your friend on tour…or a taxi to get you to the best bar? …. sending postcards from Chernobyl, getting a hug… This is what we call the extra mile you get when traveling with ChernobylX.


Are you kidding me? So, how do you put a guarantee on an experience? We made it simple – if you are not happy with the tour, we give you 100% money-back. Check our Terms & Conditions for more details.


Who needs those, anyway? Well, since we are kids we love surprises! We have a handful of them ready for you on each tour. I cannot tell much….it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore. But lets take a peek on some things our previous customers considered extras: night photo shooting in Pripyat, early morning sunrise photo shooting in Pripyat, drone filming, Buryakivka and Roscoha military machinery scrapyards. Or even control room of reactor no. 4? No problem (surcharge applicable, sorry).



Whole 1% of the price of the tour is staying in Chernobyl zone to preserve its culture for next generations. Together we directly help Chernobyl babushkas, around 150 inhabitants who returned to Chernobyl zone after evacuation, now living in simple conditions and with pension not exceeding 70 euro/month. Above that, by traveling with us, you are also helping: Chernobyl Dogs project, Children help project during festival CHERNOBYLING , CLEAN UP CHERNOBYL once in a while, cancer treatment projects (Dobry Anjel ) and for every Tripadvisor review we plant a tree of your choice in Chernobyl zone. Thank you for being part of this movement and helping to preserve the Chernobyl zone for further generations.


P.S.: I was also buying cheap stuff, especially with my low income while studying. It was the only way to survive…and still be able to impress girls. I think a Chernobyl tour should be something special, like a Christmas present you give yourself because you know you deserve it. And you will never forgive yourself if you take the cheapest option, when you could have the ULTIMATE Chernobyl power plant tour. Thank you for buying quality, you are making your life better!



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